Board of Directors

Meet our 100% volunteer board of directors. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a fully inclusive and supportive running community in the Dallas area.  

Meet the DRC Training Team

Alex Delacruz - Dallas Running Club

Alex Delacruz


Mimi Cox - Dallas Running Club

Mimi Cox

Vice President

Kimberly Saulters - Dallas Running Club

Kimberly Saulters


Sanjay Pamurthy - Dallas Running Club

Sanjay Pamurthy


Brenda Ellis - Dallas Running Club

Brenda Ellis

Assistant Treasurer

Vicki Harris - Dallas Running Club

Vicki Harris

Membership Director

Jen Frankman - Dallas Running Club

Jen Frankman

Assistant Membership Director

Michael Millet - Dallas Running Club

Michael Millett

Training Director

Phillip Paris - Dallas Running Club

Phillip Paris

Assistant Training Director

Sue Montgomery - Dallas Running Club

Sue Montgomery

Assistant Training Director

Theresa Urueta - Dallas Running Club

Theresa Urueta

Race Team

Jay Hall - Dallas Running Club

Jay Hall

Race Team

Alice Rugeley - Dallas Running Club

Alice Rugeley

Race Team

Jim Kerins - Dallas Running Club

Jim Kerins

Race Team

Kristina Pool - Dallas Running Club

Kristina Pool

Race Team

Jackie Delacruz - Dallas Running Club

Jackie Delacruz

Merchandise Director

Rebecca Paris - Dallas Running Club

Rebecca Paris


Keya Lackey - Dallas Running Club

Keya Lackey

Volunteer Team

Jennifer Hooper - Dallas Running Club

Jennifer Hooper

Volunteer Team

Marley Mitchell - Dallas Running Club

Marley Mitchell

Marketing Director

Samantha Hall - Dallas Running Club

Samantha Hall

Communications Director

Forest Leary - Dallas Running Club

Forest Leary

Social Director

Samantha Park - Dallas Running Club

Samantha Park

Assistant Marketing Director


The DRC is not your average running club.

Whether you are just starting out or have hundreds of miles under your belt, we have something for every level of runner or walker.